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Monday 2 April 2018


Dreaming with your eyes wide open can be nice. 😊 Sometimes, our best thoughts and ideas come to us through our dreams. Recently, I find that I live in this fantasy world. Let's call it Dreamland. Simple but on point. I love the events that usually occur in my dreams; pure positivity. Sometimes having a wonderful night's rest can be hard for me but knowing that I might dream of sometime awesome is what motivates me to sleep. It is also the same thing that encourages me to sleep longer some mornings. 😊😊

Friday 9 June 2017

Tit Bits into My Life

I'm on medical leave and dreaming about school. I can't believe this! Hahahahaha life! Who would of thought that those little ones would of gotten under my skin so much; even the mischievous ones. It's always hard staying unattached you know. I don't even know why some people do it because in this profession I think it's a total waste of affection. Yeah, I know some of you are wondering which profession? You may have also guessed right too and that profession is "teaching".

Sunday 16 April 2017

Start Loving You

You need to start loving you. Yes, you heard me right. Start loving you now your with flaws and all. Love every inch of you. If you don't love you then how can you expect others to love you? We all have this idea of what we want to be but in actuality it most times never becomes a reality. Well, what are we going to do about it? Nothing! Absolutely nothing. That is exactly what we tell ourselves. But should we really? Think about it for a moment. Just deal with it and try to make the most out of our lives. Hey at least we are alive and well. Don't sit and wine about it. You can either decide to take two steps back and wine all day about how miserable your live is and how things were not supposed to be this way or you can get up and move forward. Just focus on your future. Try to think positive, be positive all of the time. Just focus on getting you back on track. Remember you can't truly love someone else unless you love you. I hope this was motivating to you as it was for me while I was trying it.
'muah' *kisses*

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